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Taiji backup CD

Low jitter processing
The root cause of audio CD sound quality problems is the jitter of the data on the disc. This causes an error in the data read by the player. Taiji backup is our measure to deal with this problem under the existing conditions. This is a process of data low jitter . The Taiji servo system we developed can effectively reduce the interference of data stream jitter and read CD disk data more accurately. The CD data is CIRC decoded on a digital signal processor equipped with a low jitter clock. The erroneous data (industry standard: < 3%) caused by the quality of the disc, or the data that was scratched during the use of the CD disc, will be repaired after passing through the CIRC decoder. The decoded data is stored in a buffer memory. The data is then CIRC and EFM encoded on the digital signal processor and written to a recordable CD-R disc by a very low jitter recorder controlled by the Tai Chi servo system.

Error rate
The CD industry is the data error rate for testing CDs using professional equipment. It is more suitable for detecting the degree of data loss caused by the physical structure damage of the CD disk. As a consumer product, CDs need to be used in consumer playback devices. It is necessary to find an error rate detection method that is closer to actual use to improve the credibility and practicality of the test results.

Synchronization signal
When the CD is finished, the sync signal is the only data on the disc that can determine if there is an error. A sync signal is a signal that has a certain digit length and is inevitably present after a certain period of time. There are two situations that can cause errors in the sync signal: 1) the quality of the physical structure of the CD, causing the servo system to fail to extract the sync signal from the data stream; 2) the jitter of the data stream, causing the sync signal to not appear at a certain time . In both cases, the servo system of the CD player will determine that the sync signal is incorrect. This determination result is not affected by the correctness of the verification data. As long as we detect the error rate of the sync signal, we can evaluate the overall quality of the CD disk including the jitter of the data stream.

We use the method of measuring the synchronization signal error rate to indirectly evaluate the probability of CD data error. This test uses a consumer player and a counter to record the number of synchronization signal errors of the standard test CD and Tai Chi backup CD respectively. In this Test, we got the following results: The probability of error in the synchronization signal of the Tai Chi backup CD is 10.3% (15/146) of the original CD.

We tested some CDs (CD Jitter Test ) using a consumer player. The Tai Chi backup CD in playback, the data stream jitter is lower than the original CD.

We also used some Tai Chi backup CDs to compare sounds with LP records. In this comparison, the song playback of the Taiji backup CD can feel the singer has a more appropriate emotional expression, and the music can more appropriately express the mood of the lyrics. This result is consistent with the difference in their technical indicators.

All music data has been placed on the original CD. Tai Chi backup just rearranges this data using low-jitter technology. This helps the player to read accurately. In principle, an audio CD can express sound more accurately. In actual use, to play this feature on the audio CD, we still need to meet the basic conditions that the player can get the correct data. This is like the LP needs to have an accurate needle pressure to maintain its soft sound.

Created by Chen
Last revision date: Aug-2019